It’s been a long time coming, but I’m finally sitting down and forcing myself to go through a website upgrade. It might not sound interesting to you (or literally anyone else in the world), but it’s bringing some big things with it!
First of all, since you’re here and probably wondering “What is this blog about anyway? You know it’s not 2010 anymore…” I should probably explain. This will hopefully become a place where I can document my trips, interesting things I happen upon, and whatever I manage to learn along the way. It might be interesting. It might not. But it will hopefully serve as something I can look back on, and a way to share some of those stories.
Second, I can start a newsletter! This won’t include everything in the blog. If you do choose to sign up, I will do my best not to spam you. You probably have enough going on without having my life and the things that go through my head shoved down your inbox. What it will include are topics that are (hopefully) interesting to other photographers, updates and news related to the website and my photography, and when big changes happen in…
The store! This was probably my biggest reason for wanting to change website platforms. I’ve come to the realization that I have hard drives full of images, and they aren’t doing anyone a whole lot of good just sitting there. Am I going to pretend I’ve made the world’s greatest images? Maybe…I make no promises. But chances are I’ll just slowly add prints or digital downloads as I continue to create, and I would be honored if there were other people in the world who would choose to spend their hard earned money to support me getting out and continuing to point my camera at things.
So…I guess here goes nothing! Thanks for joining in whatever adventures this ends up leading to!